Saturday, September 26, 2009

Loch's Birthday


Loch is seven years old today.  I think he had a really nice birthday.  He was a little worried about it.  I think he was afraid I wouldn't get him any presents or maybe he was really afraid I wouldn't get him any of the things he wanted.  But I did and it turned out really well!  I got a bike for him, its kind of big for him but he can ride it.  I think it will fit him better next summer, but it will still work for now.  He needs that physical activity very much in his life.  He is such a sweet guy he loves to give lots and lots of hugs and kisses.  He really loves his little sister and I can tell he really looks up to Taylor and William.  I made him an ice cream cake, this one was tamer : ) a simple chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream in the middle. Before I frosted it he thought it looked like a big Oreo cookie.  He is really in to Knights and weaponry right now.  I think he has been influenced by his older brothers. : )  He also really likes Bionicles, the older boys got him a couple for his birthday and then he received some birthday money and spent it on another Bionicle, but he was so excited because he had found the very one he had wanted so badly.  I do wish he will be able to keep that enthusiasm as he grows older.   I'm so grateful to have him in our family!  He definitely add spice to our lives.  : )

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Loch! I didn't know it was his birthday. I just discovered this other blog of yours, so I look forward to reading it!
